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but the thing is zinc is a building block and it is Qatar and like over 300
processes in our body so our soul is pleated because we're doing mono farming
rather than crop rotation and composting and we're trying to add in the
nutrients the plants need synthetic fertilizers and different things like that
so we've got poor soil quality synthetic fertilizers and things that's yes
Anthony is good to stay away from the castle in store supplements and their
sushi too so soil is so depleted that if you look at old food and drug
regulation of different foods if you look at 1950s what broccoli contained in
it had you know like this much vitamin A there's much vitamin C this much I
think you know it has list and then if you look in the 2000s at what broccoli
contains per serving size as or what calls or anything like that you're going
to see drop dramatically so because of our soils being to please and our food
being processed in a way that's don
Dxn code strike Review hopefully
that answers your question any other questions that's because that's a really
good one Marcus yes I do believe in multivitamins however this is because with
modern farming practices we've depleted our soil our soil used to be a lot more
rich in nutrients and vitamins especially like zinc and zinc is really good
with e to make it grow faster and less nutrient dense because it's not
absorbing what it needs it's not getting the same amount of Sun it's not
getting you know water nutrients etc it's low it's it's low quality so when you
have low quality food nutrients then you do need to supplement a good multi I
like a lot of different multis I did video on supplements I'll link it below as
well and it talks about what a multivitamin that he do like because it actually
does an analysis and it tells you what you need there is a lot of other good
nutrients pure encapsulation does a good nutrients as well I will be happy to
put a couple links below on supplement I love I can give you a link to my
medicinal so you can get discounts if you want discounts on good someone's
hello casual preparedness nice to see you from Alabama so that answers a
question on multivitamins why
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